I am thankful for having a blog to write down my blessings (bold texts).
Texts in red can lead you to related articles.
My Family, My Children: They are the source of my strength and happiness. My parents gave me this life. My Wonderful Children.give my life a grand expansion.
My Husband: Who provides a roof over my head and a place I call home.
My Girlfriends: We played cards, sang songs, and danced together. We are Pretty Women. Our bonding time makes one of my Weekly Highlights.
My Toastmasters Family: I started my most amazing journey in 2003. It is truly A Journey Like No Other. I have learned about Living in the Present and I have met many people who became the Charming Gardners.
My Facebook Friends (528): The number alone makes me feel socially connected and grateful.
My LinkedIn Connections (652): I added hundreds of new connections this year alone. I am striving to be a Good Farmer in the sea of talents.
My Mentors (5). Gratitude and appreciation are just two of many words I can describe my feelings towards my mentors.
My Blog Subscribers: I have 80 at this point. The system often forgets to send email notifications but I am still grateful for recruiting that many in just a few months.
Mother Nature who granted us three beautiful days. We walked in the park along the St. Lawrence River, enjoyed the colorful street park, and went apple picking in the orchard.
Most of all, I am grateful for living this precious life with a healthy body, a curious mind, and a gentle soul.