Woody Allen once said that 80% of success in life is just showing up.
What about the other 20%? He didn't say. This article says it is following up.
I totally agree with that notion, especially in the context of networking.
I believe that networking is about building relationships, not just attending events, and collecting business cards.
From this month, I started following up with some of the connections I have made. My goal is to make at least 10% of my connections more meaningful (60 out of current 608). My thoughts and action plans are as follows:
Be teachable: learn as much as I can, from their profile, website/blog, books, or TedTalk. Show interest in their professional activities; Follow or comment; Establish a mutual interest. Build up a better presence on LinkedIn
Be humble: seek advice and ask great questions. Apply and practice what I have learned if they are in line with my values
Be grateful: show appreciation and take advantage of generous offers, e.g. help with CV, individual coaching, and mentorship
Be marketable: reach out and ask for referrals when needed, Show determination and consistency. Continue working on my daily blog and excelling at it. I was passed on an excellent piece of advice from a recent connection: write passionately, write consistently and you will create an audience
Dr. Ivan Misner said: "Networking is more about farming than it is about hunting. It is about cultivating relationships"
In terms of networking, are you a good farmer?