For the past few months, on Saturdays, my blog articles usually started with Travel Talk. I wrote about my last trip, I envisioned my next trip. I described a few trips taken in the past.
I reflected on some Travel Quotes and more.
Today I checked out this Blog Title Generator and read this: There are over 4.4 million blog posts published every day!
I wrote the word "Travel" in the search box and got 1168 hits. Some titles do trigger my interest and make me wonder what I would write under such titles.
Here are a few titles that stimulate my imagination and creativity.
15 Facts About Travel That Will Make You Think Twice: One fact is that due to the current Covid fear and the air circulation on an airplane, You might want to avoid going anywhere by plane. I would think twice for sure. If it is ever possible to go by car, that would be my #1 choice, or by train.
5 Ways To Tell You're Suffering From An Obession With Travel: There is a term for this: Wanderlust Syndrome. It is the first time I head about this term. I came across this interesting article titled: 8 Dangerous Things About Being Obsessed With Travel In Your 20s. It could be entertaining for readers like my son.
10 Lessons I Have Learned From Travel: Top one is to do some research before going. Start young, go far. Make travel your lifestyle. Go to places that no one has been to. Write about your experience.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Helen Keller.