I would really enjoy if your blog posts included more stories about your life! in china, and now. It would be nice to have a fuller picture of what your life is like. I can’t really tell from the posts as they are now (most of them). Just my 2 cents.
Articulated words from my daughter. She is A Sweet Talker.
Agreed. More writing about your life, please. Less about random positivity or life coaching stuff.
Short but not that sweet. My son is A Straight Shooter.
They are My Wonderful Children. They had asked me to write about my life in China.
My daughter was 5 when she came to Canada. My son was not even born. China was probably a distant dream for them but for me, it is a place where I grew up and started my first and only job.
Today I created a new category called Life In China, I will write where my thoughts take me and where my 1 minute ends.
I passed the university entrance exam in 1981 and became one of the 4% who could attend university. There was no tuition, as a matter of fact, room and board were even provided. Education was totally free.
I was underweight (37 kg and the standard was 45 kg) before starting college, yes, there was a requirement for weight. I was not even 16 but there was no age requirement.
The cover photo was taken in 1986, one of the first few color photos of me. It was taken a year after I started my Master's program and started dating...