What a powerful title. I didn't make it up. I copied it down.
That is an event by Coaching Support Group Montreal.
I was invited by one of the organizers: Reem Ghannoum.
We met through one of the networking events last year. She was a speaker for the workshop: Your Mentorship is Your Seatbelt.
Her workshop was rated by me the most engaging one.
She became a member of McGill Toastmasters club, my co-coach for Ottawa Young Professional Toastmasters Club, and a wonderful friend.
We gave each other Words of Validation.
I believe in her and I believe in her career endeavor. So I am promoting her and her peers, their first-ever CSG Montreal event.
It is an event said to be: exciting, engaging, and exhilarating. It teaches you how to:
Kick Your Self-Doubt Out the Door!
Mark your calendar for Thursday, June 17 at 6:30.
Here are the details:
Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkfu2hqzgiE9Fcwwgk2Nijuqj0XqkxjAK7?fbclid=IwAR3o_tBiQAeS_-optdAOMnsienzLkOgW9LujA0UJkLOjH6CGeTDNzENtuWc
LinkedIn Event:
Facebook Event:
Thank you for all your encouragement and support Angela!