Last Thursday, I promoted an event called: Kick Your Self-Doubt Out the Door!
That article got viewed 24 times and tonight we had 24 people in attendance.
Here are some after-thoughts.
After all, networking is something I write about on Thursdays.
Writing about it after attending a fantastic one couldn't be more fitting.
The agenda is simple and elegant, with all the hyperlinks you can check out about the speakers, including the feedback form and the schedule for the next session. The timing was concise and it was well animated by various speakers.
I want to share some wonderful quotes/words I heard tonight.
"If you are afraid to fail, you are probably going to fail". Kobe Byant.
"Feel the fear but do it anyway". Susan Jeffers.
Two keynote speakers shared their career path stories, sometimes vulnerable yet inspiring.
"Self-doubt is incredibly necessary. if you don't feel it, you can't kick it." Said the second speaker Ali Pasha.
Wow, what a powerful message.
"if it is your calling, it keeps on calling". Sounds so familiar and very true.
Room for improvement: some people could remove some uh, er, and um when speaking. If they were Toastmasters, they would definitely make improvements with time and make more impact on the audience.
Unfortunately, my network didn't allow me to stay for the whole event, I got kicked out a few times.
I do appear in the screenshot though. Note that Angela He and Yuhua He is the same person - me. I logged in using my phone at one time just to see the difference.
I really enjoyed the first part of the meeting.