The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. William James.
To me, the LinkedIn recommendation is not just words of validation, they are also words of apprecations that magnify that principle in human nature, on both ends.
That is why I feel so privileged to know and be mentored by Tracy Artemchuk.
Tracy is an Employment Counselor at Groupe Priorité Travail inc. She is also a Coordinator for the Job Search Club (English Clients). I came across her name in a local newsletter before I met her in person. At a mandatory EI recipients meeting organized by Revenue Quebec, she was an animator, knowledgeable and approachable. I took an instant liking to her.
I first met Angela as a participant in my Job Search Club. I was inspired by her tenacity, dedication, and perseverance. Angela asked me to be a mentor to her and through this relationship, I have had an opportunity to be a part of and witness her achieve the goals she has set forth for herself. Her passion for learning and growing through her various activities, whether it is public speaking, writing in her blog, or learning another language is something to be admired. She embraces life, opportunities and commits wholeheartedly to all she takes on. Angela is a proven professional, giving 120% to all she does. It is a privilege to be a part of her journey.
From giving solid career advice to providing blog feedback, from lending her ear to practicing French with me, Tracy remains as someone I can always easily say: I like YOU and I appreciate YOU!
Image credit: Wendy Liu