There were 18 events scheduled for today, including Keynotes, Workshops, Webinars, and Interviews. It is the second day of the amazing career summit of PowerSkills 2021.
I attended 6 of them, including one in French (my second since yesterday).
Here are the details of what I have attended:
Learning to Pause During Difficult Times Bilun Naz Boke
21st Century Skills to Become an Irreplaceable Professional! Nogol Madani
Get Ready for the Post-Pandemic Workplace: Upskilling and a Learning Agility Mindset Stefanie Corona
Designing Your Career and Life Vision: Five Secrets to Career and Life Mastery Hassan Akmal
Bouncing Back!: Reinvention and Reskilling Dr. Sue Laver, Dr. Alejandro Gutierrez Lopez, Philip A. McCully, Meaghan Girard
L’importance de l’accompagnement : comment propulser sa carrière et accélérer son intégration? Aya Dufour, Inès Mahjoub, Julien Benoît (French)
My favorite is #4. The five secrets are: Resilence, Focus, Purpose, Love, and Mindset.
The PowerPoint was beautifully made. Full of powerful messages and theories. I captured a few nice sayings from his presentation and shared them here:
If you do not design your life, someone else will design it for you
Success does not lead to happiness, happiness leads to success
It is not in sight, it is insight
Look into your future, and focus
It is not about what you can be, it is about what all you can be
Where focus goes, energy flows
Change your perspective, change your life
Thank you for adding French sessions this year. They were wonderfully animated by Nayo Gariepy and Emilie Salvi.
There are still 9 more to come tomorrow. Register now.