Job Search Tips and Tricks from Montreal's Leading Headhunters,
That was a webinar I attended this Tuesday. It was recommended by my new connection: Michele Wu. Thank you Paul LeBlanc for introducing her to me.
Here are the headhunters: Marina Byezhanova, Dawn Williams, Samantha Bateman, and Patrick McLean, The moderator is Maya Toussaint. I have already connected with three of them through McGill's Powerskill 2020 virtual career conference. I reached out to a few others after the webinar.
Here are the tips and tricks covered at the webinar:
CV: Use professional email address/home address doesn't have to be on CV/remove the date of your graduation/take off the month
Cover Letter: Match the job ad (yes, copy and paste from the job ad can work wonders
Interview: Do research. Ask good questions that can not be found on the website
Attitude: Be positive. Show interest and enthusiasm. Keep track
Don't start with what you don't have. Start with what you do have to offer
Above All: Commit to looking for work. It is a full-time job to look for a full-time job
Since August, I have made more than 60 new connections. Now I have a total of 630 connections on LinkedIn.
My progress on making 10% of that worthwhile based on my own promise? Almost halfway.
Four people joined/rejoined the McGill Toastmasters club since March mostly because of me. I am very proud of that because I strongly believe this:
"Networking is not about just connecting people. It is about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities". Michele Jennae