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The Single Greatest People Skill Is...

Writer's picture: Angela Angela

What would you write after that "is"?

According to Bob Burg: The single greatest people skill is a highly-developed and authentic interest in the other person.

Networking has been my August focus and developing authentic interest in others has been my guideline.

I attended a Virtual Career Conference organized by the McGill School of Continuing Studies. I made some connections by reaching out, commenting on their workshops, reading books written or recommended by them, and writing more with the intention to deepen the connections. During the process, three of them became my mentors.

I started attending the 2020 Toastmasters International Virtual Convention since this Monday. I was watching the live Semifinals Contest yesterday morning at 6:15 am. There were 4 Semifinals Contests and each consisted of 7 contestants. While watching and listening to their performance, I went on LinkedIn and searched for their profiles. I connected with a few and started conversations on the sideline. I gave each upbeat feedback when sending the invitation and my eagerness to learn more from them.

I have made more than 50 new connections since the beginning of August. I plan to make at least 10 of the 50 into more meaningful professional relationships. I decided to become better at that single greatest people skill: showing interest in others and learning from them as much as I can. In the process, make myself worth known as well.

"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen." Brene Brown

"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want" Zig Ziglar


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