大山 is the Chinese name of a Canadian comedian called Mark Henry Rowswell.
I didn't know his Canadian name until I did a search on him after the show I went to this Tuesday.
The main reason I got the ticket is that he was performing. Many of us saw him on TV at the CCTV New Year's Gala in the 90th. He impressed us all with his language skills. He was probably one of the first "foreigners" who performed on national TV speaking Chinese. At that time, he did have an accent.
I didn't know that we were the same age. I thought that he was older. 🤪🤪🤪
30 years later, I had a chance to see him in person, his accent was completely gone. If you close your eyes and listen to him, you can not tell that he is NOT Chinese. He even added some Cantonese in his show, a dialect I don't even understand as Chinese.
He picked up a new skill during the pandemic and he performed a song on Tuesday, citing a classical poem written by Libai.
I was totally blown away by his talent. We applauded warmly hoping to get another performance from him.
Unfortunately, he didn't answer the audience's applause. He promoted his new solo comedy show instead.
It is called 大山侃大山, also the title of this article.
The first two characters 大山 are his stage name, the last two characters 大山 are things, and 侃 means talking about.
大山侃大山 refers to his solo comedy show. The one I will NOT miss when he comes back.
At the 7th FENG HUA XUE YUE» GALA DU NOUVEL AN CHINOIS À MONTRÉAL, I also enjoyed other performances, and below is my favorite:
Talk-show by Da Shan (大山)
Ballet classique "The sound of spring" (La voix du printemps)
Jazz "Autumn leaves" (Feuilles d'automne)
Solo et pianiste: Lean on me (On ne sait jamais) by Jessica Vigneault
Dance "Fleur de Jasmin"
The theme for this evening was "Friendship forever", L'amitié éternelle en francais.
When searching for image for this post, I came across this interesting article
Thank you for organizing a great show and for inviting Dashan. I would love to go see him again performing in his homeland.
