Today's meeting theme; fun time and hobbies.
It made me wonder what I did for fun growing up.
When I was little, a lot of games we played don't exist anymore. They were mostly outdoor activities. They didn't cost money. There wasn't TV. No computer nor cellphone.
One is called Jump Rubber Band (Google translate for 跳橡皮筋)
I remembered many times when I was in class in elementary school but I so eagerly wanted the class to finish so I could pick up where we played before.
It was so much fun. The image of the little girl yearning for the class to be over is still vivid in my mind. I don't remember anything I learned in class but I remember the tricks I could play and the happy moments I had.
When I was little, there weren't dance, piano, painting lessons to go. In my mind, only kids from rich families might have those privileges but there weren't many in the neighborhood I grew up. In a way, everyone was the same, nobody was special.
What divided ordinary kids and special ones were after high school, Specials were those who passed the entrance exam for college. It was only 4% when I graduated from high school 40 years ago.
I was among the 4%. It did make me feel special for a while then that feeling disappeared when some people with musical talent appeared in my life, people who could play instruments. Those hobbies made them special to me.
When I had children of my own, I started imposing hopes onto them like many parents...