It took me a day of NO power (electricity) to truly realize the power of power!
Yesterday I left home shortly after breakfast for my daily walk, I got a text from hubby saying that the power was out. Hydro Quebec site said that it would come back around 2:30 pm. Well, the actual time when the electricity did come back was after midnight, shortly after I finally fell asleep after staying in bed for hours. It took me another two hours to go back to sleep again.
Do you realize how much power of the power (electricity) has over our everyday life? How much oblivious we could be to the most privileged thing we ever have?
There is not that much you could do at home without electricity.
No internet, anything computer/TV-related activities became impossible
Alexa became awkwardly quiet
You can not cook food, using a stove, microwave, or toaster.
The weather was nice though so we didn't sweat much during the day. We had an early BBQ for dinner which was very pleasant.
I could use my cellphone data to surf the internet or watch a movie, but I didn't do much of either as I was afraid of either overusing my data or draining the battery.
With weak candlelight, reading was not a great option so I listened to my audiobook after 9 pm while preparing myself to sleep.
There are some interesting ideas in this article: 10 Ways to Stay Entertained When the Power Goes Out.
It could be a guideline for next time.
How do you stay entertained or even powerful when there is no power? I would love to hear about it.
Photography: Matthew Henry