I have not finished reading this book: The One Thing.
I am quoting the last ten quotes from this book.
Efficiency is doing the thing right. Effectiveness i doing the right thing. Peter Drukcer
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw
Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. Alan Lakein
My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do. Francine Jay
Focus is a matter of deciding what things you are not going to do. John Carmack
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. William James
Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. Oprah Winfrey
To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping. Chinese proverb
Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S. Eliot
The highly productive person's daily energy plan:
Meditate and pray for spiritual energy
Eat right, exercise, and sleep sufficiently for physical energy
Hug, kiss, and laugh with loved ones for emotional energy
Set goals, plan, and calendar for mental energy
Time block your ONE thing for business energy
I really like the idea of daily energy plan and I would like to carry it to the best of my ability.
What about you? Do you remember to charge yourself every day for your different energy needs?