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Writer's pictureAngela

Sunshine on My Shoulder

The lyrics go like this:

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy

Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry

Sunshine on the water looks so lovely

Sunshine almost always makes me high

It has been ten days since I wrote my last blog post. It was a rainy Saturday when I published my previous entry.

We had plenty of sunshine since that day, on some days, the temperature in my apartment could climb up to 26 degrees, while it felt like a chilly minus 10 outside. On sunny days like today, I enjoyed walking to the library during my lunch break, and I loved to feel that "sunshine on my shoulder"...

Well, not just sunshine that can make me high, but so do some emails like the two below:

Good Day,

You have obtained your level B in the unsupervised Written Expression test, taken within the Candidate Assessment Tool

You have obtained your level C in the unsupervised reading comprehension test, taken within the Candidate Assessment Tool.

  • Result outcomes are « X », « A », « B » or «C ».

  • The test results are valid for 5 years.😂😂😂

  • Test results are transferable across departments. ❣️❣️❣️

BBB is something I have aimed for since day one. Even though I did have two Bs from last year but they are no longer valid. ☹️☹️☹️

I didn't expect to get a C though. I am so happy. 😊😊😊

And my Oral date has been set: January 18, 2023.🎯🎯🎯

I have made new plans to improve my oral, including finding language exchange partners online to get the ball rolling. I tried with two people already. So far so good. 👍👍👍

I am confident that I will get that B on January 18.

Je suis convaincue que je vais obtenir ce B le 18 janvier.

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