What do you see from the cover photo?
I see a hand holding a piece of broken glass. I also see a reflection of oneself in front of a mirror, reflecting on the life lived and hoping to gain some clarification on the future.
It is up to your own perception. Sometimes we only believe what can see. Sometimes we only believe what we feel.
More than a decade ago, I had an article titled "Letter to Sister" published in a National Women's Newspaper (PDF is in the attached). In the article, I voiced my opinion on marriage and relationships.
Today, I came across this article on Ten Secrets to a Successful Marriage. What resonated with me the most are the following five:
The grass is greenest where you water it: don't forget to water it
If you do what you always do, you will get the same result: so true
You can change your marriage by changing yourself: keep in mind, often, the only person we can change is ourselves.
Love is a Verb, not just a feeling: "for better or for worse", if not, why the "vow" then
Marriage is often about fighting the battle between your ears: holding grudges and bringing up the past can only make matters worse
I also like to leave it in the hand of God by saying this prayer and practicing its essence:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr