I started learning French at the beginning of November with a group of Chinese. I have "met" a few other eager learners. I was often inspired by their enthusiasm and tenacity.
One lady started listening to French every day for almost a year. She shared some of her daily records lately and I find some of them quite encouraging and interesting.
La vie est une rose dont chaque pétale est une illusion et chaque epine une réalite.
The notion is true and poetic.
Le meilleur ami, c'est pas celui que tu connais depuis le plus longtemps. C'est celui que tu connais et qui ne t'a jamais quitté.
I am lucky that I have a few friends like that.
Les véritables amis sont durs à trouver, difficile à quitter et impossible à oublier.
True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
L’amitié finit parfois en amour, mais rarement l’amour en amitié.
It is true, isn't it?
Le temps est le médecin de tous les maux inevitables.
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. ” —John Lennon
Rira bien qui rira le dernier.
He who laughs last laughs best.
Il faut entretenir la vigueur du corps pour conserver celle de l’esprit.
I like the Chinese translation better.
L’orgueil fait régresser, la modestie fait faire des progres.
Being modest is always a virtue.
I found the Chinese translation is more to the essence in my humble opinion.
Do you find some sayings inspiring as I do?