The first time I heard about Toastmasters was in 2003 when the subject of public speaking was brought up during a college HR class. I got curious and decided to attend one meeting. Wow, it was so intimidating especially when I was called to speak, I felt my heart almost went out of my chest. I was scared away from that club but I decided to try another club called Thornhill Toastmasters club.
It was more friendly than the first. What impressed me the most is that I got a Thank You postcard before the second week, I even got a phone call from the club president asking if we would like to visit again that Tuesday evening.
After three visits as a guest, I became a member. It made me feel that I belong from day one. At the end of the Toastmasters year, I received six certificates including Outstanding Toastmaster and Club Photographer plus a Smile Award Trophy. I was pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately, I had to move to Montreal to pursue my degree. I found out there was a McGill Toastmaster Club that met on Tuesday. I went to the meeting the second day after I came to Montreal. That was August 2004.
Today is Tuesday, July 14, 2020, and I am delivering a speech tonight. Interested in attending? It is free. You can find more details here:
The attached article was written years ago but the essence still stays very true. Come and see it from yourself. There are many happy campers just like me.
Photography: Kane Reinholdsten