Someone said: life is like photography, we develop from the negatives.
My first 23 years were mostly in schools. A lot of black and white photos literally, except the last three years of graduate school when color photos became popular.
I learned how to dance. The person who taught me how became my boyfriend, later the father of my children. I partied a lot. On one New Year's eve, I danced all night till the next morning. Went back to the dormitory and slept all day. When I finally got up, someone told me that we were on TV because the Mayor of the City was with us for the celebration. We performed twice at two New Year's celebrations (see cover photo).
I didn't study as much as I should. I made some friends and joined a few field trips with people from other faculties without informing my supervisor. She was a super nice professor who told me that she had to cover for me sometimes when other people asked my whereabouts.
One time I biked all day with three guys along the bank of Yellow River, we passed by three bridges. One asked me how I felt a day later, I said "What? We biked all day? I don't even remember". I was that energetic!
For the first time, I had English teachers from the United States. That was when I became super interested in speaking the language. I participated in the Oral English Competition and won first place in the Non-English Major category. My award was a set of blank tape cassettes and something to brag about later on.