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Writer's pictureAngela

Language Game

"Give, but don't allow yourself to be used. Love, but don't allow your heart to be abused. Trust, but don't be naive. Listen, but don't lose your own voice". Unknown

Yesterday my article was about Some Charming Quotes, I missed the one above due to the time restraint (there is only so much you can put on paper with a 1-minute read).

I once read someone's blog, for each article, it started with a quote and it ended with a quote and in between, there were more quotes. I loved the format, simple yet elegant.

The first quote got me thinking from the very beginning: what did the writer want to tell me? If the quote resonated with me somehow, I got intrigued right there.

The last quote made me wonder: what did the writer want me to do? If I was inspired to take some action, bingo. I was sold!

When my daughter was still a toddler, she had developed her sense of humor and she showed her talents for words. Writing about her and getting published added a lot of richness to my life as a mother. Attached was an article with the same title as this article: 语言游戏. Little did I know at that time that she could later develop such a keen interest in reading and writing. Her debut book will make my "Book of the week" at one point. I am very proud of her. I am also so happy for her.

"Do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now." Roy T. Bennett

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