Last year, on my birthday, I wrote an entry titled: An Old Note and A New Video. It was my first and only post that is a 3-minute read. 🌹🌹🌹
Time flies, a year has passed, there are a lot of changes. ✌✌✌
I am back to work again and I love what I do: helping others stay organized and up to speed. There are a lot of opportunities for me to learn and grow as well. 👍👍👍
I received a lot of birthday greetings on Facebook, Wechat, through emails and text messages. A few greetings came with photos and heartwarming messages. My kids texted me shortly after last midnight my time. My son's girlfriend's birthday falls on the same day, guess it will be easy for him to always remember my birthday then. 😀😀😀
I had the Happy Birthday song sung to me a few times today, in French, English, Portuguese, and in Chinese. The first one was from my hubby when I just got up, the second came in the afternoon when a friend called and started singing the song in Portuguese, the last time I heard the song was in the evening after a delicious meal when the candle on the cake was lit. 🎵🎵🎵
I did make a wish before I blew the candle. ❤❤❤
The icing on the cake is actually the cake. 🎂🎂🎂
A friend often posts inspiring calendar images on WeChat. I borrowed a few as the cover photo for this special post. if you are curious about the message, let me know, I can translate them for you! 😀😀😀
Thank YOU all for making this day SPECIAL for me. 🥰🥰🥰
I am grateful. 🎁🎁🎁