Here are ten of them from the book and my reflections.
Exprimez de la gratitude: Feeling grateful to be alive and to experience life, it is the foundation of emotional intelligence
Faites tomber le masque: Do you wear mask sometimes? Do you want to impress people more than to impress yourself? Do you know it is more important to improve than to impress?
Enrichissez votre vocabulaire émotionnel: Here are some words related to la joie en francais: heureaux, joyeux, amusé, gai, jovial, inspire, content, enchanté, motivé...
N'ayez pas peur du changement: Do you know they say that the only thing permanent is change? Change means opportunity, change means growth, change means an enriched life. I welcome change with an open mind and a open heart
Changez votre regard: There is often two sides of a story. Try to look at it from both sides. It might shift your perception and your perception can shift your reality
Osez pleurer: We are only human. Let it happen when it happens
Partagez vos émotions: By sharing, the heavy thing you carry emotionally will be lighter
Vivez l'instant présent: Today is a gift, that is why it is called present. Make each day count and live in the moment
Écrire une letter: My blog is my letter I write to myself every day and I am grateful for having such platform to express my existence and my wellbeing
Déconnectez: I try to disconnect over the weekend with less or no screen time during the day. My computer time in the evening is mostly for writing my daily blog and learning French. Speaking of French, I still have Dulingo to do...