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Writer's pictureAngela

Book of the Week (#63): 50 Règles d'or de la Pensées Positive

Here are ten of them from the book and my reflections.

  1. Croyez en vous: This might be the most important thought one must-have. Without trusting oneself, nothing is possible, it can be just as simple as that.

  2. Dites du bien des autres: It helps us to stay grateful for having good people around us.

  3. Dites merci: It is great to say thank you at every occasion to show gratitude

  4. Trouvez une passion: Writing my daily blog and learning French are two of my passions

  5. Faites la liste de vos petits bonheurs: there are a lot of them that could be on that list: watching sunrise/sunset, listening to music, dancing the night away, going to the cinema, or dining out with friends and family

  6. Pratiquez l'humour: I have learned a lot by listening to The Debater

  7. Admirez la nature: Going to parks in one of my favorite things to do over the weekend

  8. Mangez en pleine conscience: without the distraction of checking phone message

  9. Méditez: This is something I have been doing since the beginning of this year, waking up with 5 to 20 minutes of morning meditation. I

  10. Apprécier le temps: Yes, just appreciate the time, doesn't matter it is a good time or bad time. Just the time we are on this earth, in this world, is something worth a lot of admiration and appreciation.

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