Did you know that she is also the author for another book "Happy for No Reason"?
Did you know that she is the co-author of some top-selling titles in the Childen Soup for the Soul series?
Did you know that she is a featured teacher in the international movie and book The Secret?
I like reading but I have trouble remembering the names of authors before I started recommending books. March Schimoff is a good start as I do plan to keep reading her.
I started reading Love for Reason in July but another book "Got Your Attention?" caught my attention. I realized that I can not listen to two books at the same time if they were both content-rich and delivery appealing.
It is like one can not savor two main plates in a restaurant at the same time.
I find it interesting that the two books used the same social experiments mentioned in this amazing article.
Both Sam Horn and Marci Shimoff are amazing storytellers, especially "Love for No Reason". Stories are the core of this book. The opening story was breath-taking. It got my attention right there. There were so many love luminaires stories throughout the book.
Stories in "Love for no reason" were selling us a concept of higher love. It is an inner state of pure love that doesn't depend on people, external conditions, or circumstances. It is a love we experience from the inside out.
It is not an easy state to achieve, that is why it might need life-long time to practice.
Have you ever experienced that inner state of higher love?