“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” Germany Kent
I am grateful for the working experience I had since April. When my contract ended on August 16, I was grateful for the break I had so I could take advantage of it and take a little five-day trip. It was a refresher for both my body and my mind. I used the time to reflect on what I wanted for myself professionally and I realized that I love to work for the government.
I am grateful that I landed a few interviews after I finished my contract. I had three interesting visual discussions. I exercised my critical thinking ability and sharpened my interview skills. I didn't focus too much on if I could land the job. I remembered to send Thank You emails after the interviews and follow up with people who interviewed me from time to time.
I am grateful for the generous support from my colleagues and supervisor who provided positive feedback when requested.
I am grateful for friends who forwarded me internal job postings and offered words of encouragement. Friends who continued to practice French with me.
I am most grateful for the promising words I received on Monday, August 16.
Those words turned into the letter of offer.
I will be back as an Administrative Officer on Wednesday, September 22.
After just a little over a month's break, I will be back in the game. Yeah!
“What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.” Berne Brown
I am forever grateful!

Image credit: Nathan Dumlao
Grateful for you Angela!