Boxing day = Crazy shopping day. That was the case in any other years except this year.
Don't you agree?
It started with the weather. Yesterday it was like spring. I told my kids who live in San Francisco that we matched their temperature, plus 13 degrees. The difference was that we had rain, they had sun, but seeing them virtually brightened my day.
Today, it felt like minus 13 with the wind. I couldn't walk that much outside. It was chilly. The sun was up so at least that was encouraging for me to go out for some fresh air. Carrefour Laval respected the order of lockdown and once again closed its doors to the public. I can not go there early morning for my walk for a while. Hopefully, the numbers will go down soon because of the restrictions.
Today, there was no real Boxing Day shopping to do except online. I have never been a big fan of online shopping. No shopping then. Period.
I entertained myself with a few funny quotes regarding Boxing Day:
Christmas is a holiday so powerful that it requires another one, Boxing Day, to be observed right after it.
It seems rather extreme that some countries traditionally celebrate Boxing Day by holding professional boxing matches when in actuality the name of the holiday has nothing to do with the sport.
In my eyes, it appears somewhat rude to have a holiday where returning heartfelt yet unwanted Christmas gifts is the norm, but I suppose it’s better to have that option than to keep something you don’t like.
Did you buy something this Boxing Day?
Photo credit: Wendy Liu