It is not a big deal. It is helping a Toastmaster friend with her Pathway project plus her new interest in the podcast.
I have heard a lot about podcasts but I have not really dug into that domain.
She asked some excellent questions so I am preparing myself by writing down my thoughts today and tomorrow.
Could you please briefly tell us your life trajectory? Where were you born, grew up, and what brought you to Canada?
Of course, I was born and grew up in China. I got my bachelor's and my first Master's degree in China. I wasn't an immigrant when I first came to Canada. I came on a visitor's visa. I came with my daughter. Her father was studying for his Ph.D. We applied and became immigrants a few years after.
The biggest challenge you had or are having as an immigrant?
So far I consider myself a lucky one. I didn't feel that I was mistreated in my work or in life as an immigrant. I did feel though, from time to time, not that confident due to the fact I don't speak fluent French in my daily life, not really as an immigrant. Before I moved to Montreal in 2004, I didn't feel that way though. I was fairly comfortable with my English but I did want to go back to school.
The most significant milestones of your journey as an immigrant?
I have been enjoying my journey since I arrived in Canada in May 1997. The most significant milestones are my son's arrival in 1998, my Master's degree from McGill University in 2006, and my condo in 2007.