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Writer's pictureAngela

A Toast

That is what I did at the Toastmasters meeting tonight, I took that role and gave a Toast at the end of the short roles session.

Because of the meeting theme and word of the day: ambivalent. I found a few quotes relating to the meeting theme and I toasted to the ambivalence of the theme.

Here are the quotes I referenced:

  • Sometimes the right thing for you is the wrong thing for someone else.

  • You can't be right by doing wrong and you can't be wrong by doing right;

  • Right is right, even if everyone is against it and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it;

  • There is no right or wrong, there is only perspective and point of view.

I made a Toast to the ambivalence of the meeting theme.

I left the meeting early and did something I needed to do: I applied for a job.

I reached out to six people today (my goal is three to five each day) and got feedback from three.

I am a goal-orientated person and I enjoy ticking things off from my to-do list.

I don't want to miss my weekly meetings, even though it can be a bit challenging at the end of the long working day.

Toastmasters has played a big role in my professional life since day one, out of the six people, I have met four through Toastmasters.

And I believe good things will happen to me, like always.

What about you? What do you believe?

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