At tonight's Toastmasters meeting, I decided to take a leave of Absence from Toastmasters for the month of June.
Screen time has been adding pressure to my eyes. I want to take a break after sitting in front of them (I have five of them on at the same time) all day long.
I still have to sit down at night to write my blog, to watch something on Netflix sometimes.
My kids are visiting me in June and I like to make myself available after work since that is the time when they will be at the beginning of their visit. They will work in the office during the day. I have to work also.
I will go back to Toastmasters in July or whenever we are back to in-person meetings. It is 20 minutes by bike, a perfect distance to go after work.
Watching a movie might become a new activity on Tuesdays.
Yes, I will miss Toastmasters but I will come back.