Routine: noun, a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.
A usual or set way of doing things.
Some people need to have a cup of coffee after they get up, and some like to drink a glass of water.
For me, my morning routine is to go out for a short walk while listening to a French podcast called InnerFrench. It has been part of my daily activity since last year.
I don't set up my alarm over the weekend, but I still go for a walk after getting up. Walking before breakfast feels like starting my day on the right foot so I keep at it whether weekday or weekend.
My ideal weekend routine has been one day outdoors and one day indoors.
The weekend was just like that. The weather was beautiful on Saturday. I did a 19 km bixi ride with a friend, followed by two hours of dancing by the river. It was the last event of this year and I had a ball.
Sunday's weather was another story but I had friends over to play cards. We started with five players, followed by six, then five again (one left), then six again (a new one joined). My place was full of laughers. We extended our good time by having dinner in China Town.
Instead of watching a movie at home after dinner, I decided to write a little something to document my wonderful weekend.
That might become a new routine: writing on Sunday evening. The purpose is to recap my week/weekend to charge myself for the next week.
Do you have a routine? What is it like?