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A Ray of Sunshine

Today is your birthday. Plautus said: Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.

One said: One must be blessed to have a friend like you, you have been my support and strength.

Another said: A friend like you is more priceless than the most beautiful diamonds.

I say: You are like a ray of sunshine that always brings positivity, joy, and happiness into people's lives.

I am so glad that we met in summer 2013 at a picnic in Parc Angrignon.

We celebrated your BIG 50 at your lovely home in winter 2014. In the fall, we went on a trip to Greece, with two other girls. I remember singing together to the endless ocean on a night cruise ship while you brushed off a young man's hand landing gently on your shoulder.

We went to Cuba, just two of us in 2015. On the fourth week of a frigid February, we spent it under the tropical sun. Walking on the endless beach while sipping fresh coconut never felt so refreshing...

In December 2016, you were one of the five ladies who brightened my wedding day by being present.

We four (you two plus us two) had summer gateways and fall gateways in 2017,

In January 2018, we four (your sister, my hubby) flew to Mexico and celebrated a week of summer there. We also had a fun train ride in the fall.

In 2019, a bunch of us had monthly dinner at different restaurants. Whenever you were a part, laughter followed around.

In January 2020, we four (Anna, my hubby) had an amazing cruise trip.

Happy Birthday, Jin, keep shinning wherever you go...

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