after three days of action-packed PowerSkills Career summit.
The weather matches my mood perfectly with a chilly minus -26 degrees (feels like) at one point.
I put on my snowpants (first time this winter) and embraced the chillness this morning. I ended up going into a grocery store and walking inside for a good hour instead. My goal of 10,000 steps has been reached on my way home.
A foot massage and a bath in the afternoon was just what I needed on a day like today.
A guided Gratitude Meditation helped calm my mind and soul and shift my reality. I repeated what was said in the video and I reflected on all the things that I am grateful for while relaxing my body.
Looking back, I am rather pleased and proud of myself:
I started reviewing two French language learning textbooks with a goal of one lesson from each book, each day, ten days ago. Yesterday, I finished ten lessons in each book
I started a Duolingo Language app for my French. The daily goal is listed as 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes, categorized as Casual, Regular, Serious, and Insane learner. I picked the 20 minutes as Insane Learner. Today marks day 18 straight. Thank you Nayo, for recommending this
Blogging since June 13, 2020. Today is day 226 and blog entry # 226
One speech per month at Toastmasters. Last Tuesday I delivered my #2 speech on Pathways and speech in February has been reserved. This coming Tuesday I will be the Chairperson
Je suis une femme DEEP: disciplinée, engagée, énergique et persévérante.