April 8, 2021, four months ago, I started working as a Scheduling, Correspondence, and Administration Officer in Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
It is my first job working for the government. It is a dream job. The last four months have been incredible.
I have learnt a lot and I have encountered many wonderful colleagues.
I updated my status on LinkedIn last week and have received many heartfelt congratulations.
Little did anybody know that next week is actually my last week on this job. I do have a few leads but nothing is certain yet.
I was hired as Casual and I could have been offered a Term position if I didn't miss my Oral B. I can not get the term position even though they want to keep me.
I tried my best.
French has been on my daily to-do list since December last year. I have many people to thank for my progress even though I did not make the cut. My husband is one of them.
Louise-Véronique, who practiced with me once a week before my last exam.
Gizelle, who changed her daily routine just to match my morning walk habit and helped me patiently.
Caroline, a bilingual colleague plus a new friend who is always there, whenever I needed help.
There are many friends who helped me in many others ways: job postings forwarding, words of encouragement, and great recommendations.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." William Authur Ward.
Thank you for always giving me the extra push I need. Anonymous
