That will be our Toastmasters meeting tomorrow all about.
I decided to use the Keynote speaker, my past Mentor, Suzannah Baum's LinkedIn post for my blog today as I love reading the heartwarming messages:
Truly delighted to be keynoting at the 1001st milestone meeting of the McGill Toastmasters Club.
My journey in this Toastmasters club lasted from 2002-2010, and I can say with ALL certainty that it was because of this organization, and the friendly, supportive, and wonderful members within it, that compelled me to pursue a career in professional speaking, training, and coaching.
They pushed me, supported me, encouraged me, and laid the foundation for EVERYTHING for me. And for that, I will be forever grateful. And I am incredibly excited to be able to collaborate with them again and contribute to this very important event.
The meeting is free and open to the public (zoom login info is on the banner). It starts at 5:45 pm EST, ends at 7:35 pm EST, and I'll be taking the virtual stage at 5:55-6:25 (and yes, everything will be on time). Other speeches and activities will be taking place afterwards, and will no doubt be worth waiting for.
Many thanks to the amazing Executive team who keeps the Toastmaster machine running, and contributing so much to the lives of its members.
Zoom ID: 9454747586 password: mcgill.
No matter where you are, you are welcome to join us for the celebration. It will be totally worth it!