When I came across this on Facebook, I could help sharing it. Sometimes I feel that I am at all stages at once. Is that even possible?
My French is so bad I begin every sentence with "Do you speaking English?"
I am not quite there yet and secretly hope that other people hears my accent and replies in English
It is confirmed! My French is so bad they respond in English!
I end up mélange French et anglais but everyone understands what I mean
Juste au moment ou je pensais parler couramment le français, I have to end my sentence in English
J'ai réalisé that je suis bilingual the moment I could change language sans réfléchi
I thought queue je suis devenu bilingue mais now my mom tells me mon anglais has gone to merde
Tonight I had my #8 one-on-one one hour long French lesson with my professor. Je me sens à l'aise pour lui parler et l'écouter. They say "Time flies when you are having fun".
C'est vrai.
What pleased me the most is when he said: I still can not believe that they didn't give you a B.
Ce qui m'a le plus plu, c'est quand il a dit : Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire qu'ils ne t'ont pas donné un B.
Moi non plus. Me either.
Cette année, je vais obtenir ce BBB, j'ai décidé. This year, I am determined to get that BBB. I have decided.