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Writer's pictureAngela

What Stage Are You At?

When I came across this on Facebook, I could help sharing it. Sometimes I feel that I am at all stages at once. Is that even possible?

  1. My French is so bad I begin every sentence with "Do you speaking English?"

  2. I am not quite there yet and secretly hope that other people hears my accent and replies in English

  3. It is confirmed! My French is so bad they respond in English!

  4. I end up mélange French et anglais but everyone understands what I mean

  5. Juste au moment ou je pensais parler couramment le français, I have to end my sentence in English

  6. J'ai réalisé that je suis bilingual the moment I could change language sans réfléchi

  7. I thought queue je suis devenu bilingue mais now my mom tells me mon anglais has gone to merde

Tonight I had my #8 one-on-one one hour long French lesson with my professor. Je me sens à l'aise pour lui parler et l'écouter. They say "Time flies when you are having fun".

C'est vrai.

What pleased me the most is when he said: I still can not believe that they didn't give you a B.

Ce qui m'a le plus plu, c'est quand il a dit : Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire qu'ils ne t'ont pas donné un B.

Moi non plus. Me either.

Cette année, je vais obtenir ce BBB, j'ai décidé. This year, I am determined to get that BBB. I have decided.


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