During one of our weekly book club online meetings. Anna shared the following (click on the red text for the source). I found it not only funny but somehow thought-provoking (Texts in Italic are my reflections or quotes)
I asked myself how to handle life.
My room gave me all the answers:
Roof said:Aim high (Someone said: the greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it).
Fan said:Be cool (It is not easy to be cool all the time but it is worth trying when the stakes are high)
Clock said:Value time (Time is the most valuable possession and the easiest one to lose. Time is fair to everyone but not everyone knows how to value it)
Calendar said:Be up to date (It is important to be in the know and stay current)
Wallet said:Save now for the future ("A penny saved is a penny earned")
Mirror said:Always observe yourself (Well said)
Wall said:Share others' load (People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. I believe there is much truth to that)
Window said:Expand the Vision (Don't be that "Frog in the Well." There is a BIG BIG world out there)
Floor said:Always be down to earth (Because that is where you find your footing to stay grounded)
Stairs said:Watch each step you take ("Don't run with scissors")
The most inspiring one Toilet bowl said:When it's time to let go,just let it go...😂😂😂
And the toilet paper said:Expect shit everyday!!!🤣🤣🤣
Image: Wendy Liu