Below are words of wisdom from an image shared by a friend on WeChat.
If you are exhausted, rest.
If you don't feel like starting a new project, don't.
If you don't feel like talking, stay silent.
If you are fed up with the news, turn it off.
If you want to postpone something till tomorrow, do it.
If you want to do nothing, let yourself do nothing today.
Feel the fullness of the emptiness, the vastness of the silence, the sheer life in your unproductive moments.
Time does not always need to be filled.
You are enough, simply in your being.
Below are my words of refections.
I was exhausted yesterday. I took a bubble bath and went to bed at 8:30 pm.
I was supposed to write a post on McGill Toastmasters club, but I didn't.
There were days that I stayed silent as I didn't feel like talking.
I don't watch the news on TV often because they are already everywhere.
Outlook at work didn't work today, I studied French instead.
Time does not always need to be filled, as long as I can fill the place with music.
I am enough, always was, always will be!
Do you have some reflections after reading the words below?
