It is not any dance. It is Line Dance I am talking about.
It starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:00, from today, for the next ten weeks, right next door.
It is an activity I discovered when I registered for badminton on Wednesdays a few weeks ago and I decided to check it out back then.
The rule of thumb for this one: When the weather is nice, it will happen, once a week, free for everyone.
I attended the first session tonight and I loved it.
The sun was still shining and most of us danced with sunglasses and masks on.
I love the music and dances. Despite the fact that I am still recovering from COViD, I had fun.
I didn't want to stretch it too thin so I didn't stay the whole hour and a half. I did a good first hour though.
What I need for next time: a pair of comfortable shoes (not sandals) and a bottle of water.
If you like line dance, join us every Monday from 6:30 pm, outdoor in the open, right under the sun.