Before writing this blog, I did a mental test of myself on how many idioms I know that contain the word "music" or related to music. What came to mind are the following 4:
Face the music: To accept unpleasant consequences or unpleasant reality. I never understand the logic behind this phase
Music to my ear: Good news; information that makes someone happy. My favorite
Play by ear: To perform (or play an instrument) without practice or preparation; indicate uncertainty in a situation. I use this one often
Jam session: Improvised music in an informal setting. Heard about it.
I then did an online search and learned a few new phrases from this article. I am happy that the four idioms above made her list of 8 New Music Idioms in English for Your Daily Conversations. Here are the rest of the 4.
Elevator music: Soft, pleasant but boring music often played quietly in public spaces. I don't know why "boring", it could be better for me than no music at all
Sound like a broken record: Someone who repeats the same thing again and again. I never heard about this one, so I learned something
Blow your own trumpet: Proudly boasting about your own achievements, talents, or successes. New to me also
As fit as a fiddle: To be in good health. I believe that I read this in a book before.
How many have you already known? If you have known all of them before reading this. Wow, hats off to YOU.
Keep up the good work!