The video attached here is called "C'est my vie" by Salvatore Adamo and Isabelle Boulay.
It is the first time I listened to this song. It is a beautiful love song but it is not the one I wanted to write about.
A few years ago, when I took a French course Grammaire Progressive du Francais. I came across this song, also called: C'est ma vie.
It is one of the songs from part of the book: La grammaire en chantant.
The lyrics are very funny and the melody is very amusing, I love it but I can not locate a video version online and I don't know how to attach my audio version on my blog.
Here are the words:
J'aime chanter
J'aime danser
J'aime manger
J'aime dormir
- Et qu'est-ce que tu vas fair demain?
Je vais chanter
Je vais danser
Je vais manger
Je vais dormir
- Et qu'est-ce que tu as fait hier?
Hier, j'ai chanté
Hier, j"ai dansé
Hier, j'ai mangé
Hier, j'ai dormi...
- Quelle vie extraodininaire!